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Basic Accounting Tutorial

Basic Accounting Tutorial Accounting can be much easier when you know some basic rules and tips. This accounting tutorial and tips will help you get started with learning accounting or just brushing up on your accounting skills. If you want to start a accounting business it is not goint to be a breeze without help! You may have pictured doing just what you had been doing as an employee, but with no boss and for more money. Over 500 years ago, but still applicable today, a man by the name of Fra Luca Pacioli wrote that three things are needed to be successful in business . 1.       You've got to have sufficient cash You must be comfortable with the numbers side of business You need to have a system of organizing your financial information. Today, we call this accounting. The need for accounting isn't anything new. In fact, as competition has increased, it's even more important today than it was back then. So what do you need to do to ensure it's w